Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stamp Updates

There are some new stamp updates!
  • They fixed the EPF stamps, and now you will get the stamp without saving your medals.
  • There are some Club Penguin Game Day stamps.
There also are some new sneak peaks shown in the stamps which are:
  • The red Mohawk is coming!
  • There will be a 4 player puffle paddle!
  • You will be able to play feed-a-puffle.
  • There will be 4-player bean bags.
  • There will be a game called 'sumo smash'.
  • There will be Ice Hockey.
  • There will be a beanbag race.
  • There will be a red, green, blue, and yellow team.
Aww man, I wish on the online game those games were multiplayer!
Here are some posts for more information on game day:
Waddle on!
~ im a ligor


  1. HI LIGOR :D
    it's astro. astrozombiez, if you still remember me..
    anyway, i finally got my lame butt back on club penguin today. AND YOU WERE ONLINE >:( SITTING AFK ON THE ICE BERG!!
    so, naturally, i yelled threats and danced on you until you responded. but instead, you logged off. http://tinypic.com/r/a2ykc1/7 (don't worry, it's nothing bad. i took a screenshot)
    that went on for a long time, the threats and dancing. but you and your lame penguin never responded. >:(
    anyway, i just wanted to let you know that you should never, ever, leave your penguin unattended :)

  2. O yeah - sorry, thats what I do when I update my blog. Sorry. LOL - never leave ur penguin unattended.


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